A weekend in Mey

A weekend spent exploring the most northerly part of the Scottish mainland. From the sheep of Caithness to a sunset at Dunnet Head, you don't have to travel far from home for some extraordinary sites when you're lucky enough to live in the Highlands.
This short piece was shot more as a camera test than anything with a real structure back in April 2016. I had only just picked up the FS5 and prior to beginning work on a number of commercials I wanted to make sure I knew the camera inside out. So me and Aimee headed up North to explore the coastline along the top of the Scottish mainland, and pick up some shots as we went.
Shooting mainly in picture profile 6, with the adjustments from Erwin's blog - erwinvandijck.com/nieuws/sony-fs5-picture-profile-settings I was pretty happy with the results. Since then though, with the updated firmware on the FS5, I have moved to shooting almost everything in Slog-3. Overall this first experience with the FS5 reminded me just how important your eye is compared to your camera. Yes, the FS5 is a great tool, but it’s a tool to use to capture the story you want to tell.
Music by Fabrizio Paterlini - Autumn Stories
My goal is to deliver the best creative imagery and video content possible. Based in the Highlands of Scotland photography, film and image making have been a large part of my life for the last 15 years. It gives me a reason to travel, a opportunity for adventure and way of cataloging life as it passes us by.